Take a jar. Fill it with water. Add a scoop of dirt. Fasten the lid. Shake the bottle. After a few shakes, place the jar on a table. Allow it to sit in stillness. What happens? The mud settles to the bottom and clarity rises to the top.
Don’t shoot the Messenger…Shoot the message!
Mindfulness Meditation Personified!
The Pesky Pests in our Mind!
The Hurdles of establishing a daily practice of Mindfulness Meditation
The Advantages of Meditation - Keys to Living a Healthy Life
Our “Tricky” Brain
Ready And Willing?
Expanding your World of Opportunities…
Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation is not fully realized…
What is Mindfulness Meditation?
Turmoil….and it too shall pass!
There is change...and then there is change!
The Other "Big C"
The “Big C” is used most often as a euphemism for cancer. But there is another “big C” I wish to explore. It’s called “CHANGE”. Specifically I am referring to change of self…a change of self that begins with embracing our fears, anxieties, doubts and other aversions that may prevent us from achieving personal fulfillment and the ability to experience the present joys of life as we move forward on our path.
A Sign of Yielding
What a difference an "L' makes!
The Happiness Direction
Why do we spend so much effort searching for happiness in its’ external and impermanent forms when we already possess happiness in its’ most lasting and vital form? Many believe if we find the perfect job or the perfect mate or win the lottery, drive a luxury car, or indulge in sensual pleasures, etc., that “at last” we will “live happily ever after”.
Embedded in our heart and mind is the will to survive. Life is full of trials and tribulations of all sizes. Sometime we are personally affected and sometimes we are observers. But they always test our resolve to see the light after the darkest of storms and to help those in the midst of their own storm see that light as well. Now is one of those times….