If you ask different meditators, “what are the advantages of meditation?' you may get a wide assortment of answers. While one individual may seek a particular goal in choosing their style of meditation, another might experience a set of completely different benefits. The advantages of a meditation practice can vary depending upon your personal objective. They can include physical, psychological and spiritual well-being depending upon your personal preference.
At the Meditation Tress in Los Angeles (Sherman Oaks, specifically), we focus on Mindfulness Meditation based on the ancient practice of Vipassana Meditation. The healing advantages of Mindfulness are three-fold and can have a positive effect upon your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Mindfulness is a tool that can be used in our day to day life to help relieve stress, anxiety, worry self-doubt and even depression. It also is effective for helping those dealing with PTSD, ADD, ADHD, General Anxiety disorder and can even help those who are experiencing chronic pain.
When the above mentioned conditions you are challenged with are introduced to a daily practice of Mindfulness, it will have a profound and positive effect on your physical well-being. Physical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, skin conditions, frequent colds and a weakened immune system, etc. may be reduced or completely dissipated. Research Mindfulness online and you will also discover how such a practice promotes healthier brain functioning as well. Mindfulness Meditation allows us to increase our awareness of our thoughts and the role they play in our physical and emotional well-being. Only through awareness and our learning to live in the present moment can we learn to control our thoughts rather than have them control us.
“Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.” – Pema Chödrön