Which is it?


“I’d like to learn or practice Mindfulness Meditation” or “I want to learn or practice Mindfulness Meditation.” Your intention generates the energy needed to fuel the most beneficial rewards.

Many of my students struggle with the discipline or desire to practice on a daily basis. Some can practice once a day with regularity, but have difficulty practicing twice daily.  Some practice just a few days a week. Beyond that,  it becomes a challenging endeavor.

As Sophocles stated, “Success is dependent upon effort.”

We must be patient with ourselves. And, more importantly, we must not judge our practice. Usually, with some tasks such as dieting, learning to play a new instrument or any new endeavor, we often see more immediate results. However, with MEDITATION, you may find the results to be much more subtle. If you don’t see or feel your progress right away, you may more often than not develop a tendency to “give up” or become discouraged. As Sophocles stated, “Success is dependent upon effort.”

With Mindfulness Meditation, there is no such thing as a GOOD or a BAD practice. We must put our judgements and expectations aside.  We can’t be disappointed if we have no expectations, right?  We just learn to accept our practice as a practice. Nothing more, Nothing Less. 

The benefits of a DAILY Mindfulness Meditation far outweigh the inconsistence of a “now and then” practice. It is with consistent effort you can more readily relieve yourself of your stress, anxiety, worry, self-doubt, depression and all the states of mind detrimental to your well-being. Do it for you! Be kind to yourself….and you will reap the reward of discovering your true essence!

“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.” Winston Churchill